Monday, 23 May 2011

Mark's Child.


This design was done for a guy called Mark, not Seth. In fact Seth is the name of Mark's child. Mark was an old friend of my younger brother and he found out about me and my designs via my Dad. Okay... I need to slow down I'm confusing myself now, too many relations going on. Anyway I loved designing this, black and grey work looks so sick (not the vomit variety). Mark had it tattooed almost immediately at Raw Bodycraft in Nottingham and he say's that it 'looks amazing'.

More black and grey work, yes please!

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Face Of Death.


The face of death, the face of a Geisha, faces. Faces are so popular in the tattoo world, fans of ink love them and so do I. They're just so interesting and personal, and I think that we can connect with faces and emotions more than any other tattoo imagery. The 'Geisha' tattoo has been done hundreds and hundreds of times over, but I couldn't resist. Now, all I will ask is that you don't mistake my 'Geisha' for a 'Geisha Girl'. She is not a prostitute, the only thing wrong with my 'Geisha' is her inability to live (it's true, look at her face).

With that said, make like a tree and leave!